Saturday, July 29, 2017

I Am My Body, You Are Yours

This issue has been raised a lot. Especially in the dance world. This notion that there is an ideal body type for dance. Well we at MOVEDIPR are here to tell you that looking skinny is not the same as being healthy. There is no "perfect" body, because perfection does not exist. Human beings are comprised of ALL shapes, sizes, colors, you name it. Look around you. Dance, art, and self-expression are not meant for one kind of body, or type of person, because each and every one of us has something unique and special to share with the world. Therefore, we must work together to tackle this misconception. Who's with me?
Body image is a HUGE concern for dancers, and will continue to be as society progresses and advancements are made in the industry. Taking care of our bodies is crucial, because we rely on them daily to live, breathe, and move. But having a healthy instrument doesn't mean looking skinny. It means feeling good about yourself and your lifestyle choices. It's about your muscles, your bones, your internal organs. All that stuff on the inside. Your heart, your soul. Therefore, this will feel and look different for everyone. 
As someone who is very passionate about this topic, I can't stress this enough to the dancers, athletes, and movers everywhere. Your body is your home. You are free to decorate it however you'd like, and take care of it however you deem fit. Don't let images, or voices force you to believe that there is something wrong with your home. The only one living there, is you. 

P.S. My dearest apologies for being MIA these past few weeks, but I'm here now, back and better than ever! Let's continue to think DEEPER together!

Peace & love,

Stay tuned for more posts ðŸ˜Š 

Visit for more info about this incredible organization!

Follow us on Instagram! @movedipr

Wednesday, July 19, 2017



Where does it come from?
Why do we have it?
What are we afraid of?
These are questions that every artist should be asking themselves. Fear can be a disease. A roadblock. A setback. But here’s the good news: fear is 100% normal. It is something that we must recognize before it impacts our success. Let’s look a little deeper.
Most often, fear is the evil cousin of uncertainty. Uncertainty about the future, about one’s own ability as a creator, whatever it may be. Fear involves some sort of apprehension towards the unknown. So, how can we battle this? What can we do to stop fear in its tracks before it plagues our lives? Well, accepting that we’re all scared of something is a good first step. Although it may be different for each person, fear is a universal human trait. As artists, people who often times find themselves seeking the approval from others, it can be comforting to know that those people walking the streets, sitting at the other side of the table, or in the audience have fear just like you. We are human. And so, if we begin to think about our lives in that way, the fears we may have possessed before, might just begin to disappear. Being afraid of things is normal, so we must accept these feelings in order to move forward. Shared fear can be a source of connection. Of strength. Of healing. If we let it.
Dive DEEPER into your fears and discover all of the amazing things that can happen when you are 100%, unapologetically yourself!  

Peace & love,

Stay tuned for more posts 😊 

Visit movedipr.orgfor more info about this incredible organization!
Follow us on Instagram! @movedipr



Mikaela Brandon here, the newest member of the MD Fam! 😊
In the upcoming weeks, I will be the voice behind the entity known as movedipr. What do you need to know about me? I am ambitious, eager, and have a whole lot to say!! But this isn't just a page to rant about my feelings towards dance and art in today’s world. This new edition of MDvoice is for collecting/sharing ideas and expanding a vision. The vision of MOVEDIPR. Created by Dionna PridGeon, movedipr is a brand designed to celebrate contemporary and street styles, encouraging artists to develop their voices. As human beings, as movers, as manipulators of space and time, we are capable of so much more than we know. And so, it is time for us unlock the power that lies DEEP within each and every one of us. Who’s ready?!

Stay tuned for upcoming posts! 
Visit for more info about this incredible organization!
Follow us on Instagram! @movedipr
Peace & love, 

It's My Job: A Redefinition

Gooood afternoon everyone 🌤 Happy Monday! Here are today's thoughts. . .  It's time I grab hold of my life. There are too ...