Monday, September 4, 2017

Power as a Tool, Not a Weapon

Sooo.. I think the problem is power. We want too much of it. We don’t get enough of it. Whatever it may be. I think it is within our nature as human beings to seek positions of authority or power. So actually the problem isn’t power itself but rather what people do with it. But here’s the thing: it's not others that we should be seeking power over, it’s ourselves.

          The moment that we seek power over others, we put ourselves at an unfortunate disadvantage because we are trying to accomplish something that isn’t meant to be done. I've watched too many people seek power over others because they don't know how to take control of their own lives. Human beings were never meant to dominate. They were meant to share, to collaborate, and to learn and grow from each other. Power creates divides. Power instills fear. People cannot prosper or thrive or be their best selves if they are living in fear. If there are powerless. Look at the black man. Why else do we see him angry? Why else do we see him distraught? As a criminal? Living in fear destructs the soul. It paralyzes passion and it exhausts the human spirit. And sometimes it can be inescapable. If we are overcome with fear, we cannot create. We cannot love. We cannot live.   

Peace & love,


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